Part 1: Parker Cheeto's Infinite Haunted Hobo Playlist (A Dream to Some, a Nightmare to Others), a solo exhibition of new work by L'atelier de PPPPPP.

I was once a little child
who longed for other worlds
But I am no more a child
for I have known fear,
I have learned to hate...
How tragic, then, is youth
which lives with enemies,
with gallows ropes.
Yet I shall believe
I only sleep today,
that I'll wake up,
a child again, and
start to laugh
and play.

*Western Exterminator bronze installed in disused elevator shaft running the length of the building vertically

*decorated bathroom (permanent install)

*"Yodi Zodi Zay" neon

*small paintings installed throughout the residence above the gallery

*mural painted on roof

*have a nice day.